The NAF Technique Testimonial


My name is Andreas Wilhøft. I am studying B.Sc. Product Development & Innovation at the University of Southern Denmark. I have prior experience with different creativity methods and tools, both used in project work and businesses.

Your experience

Here want to know things like

I know the NAF method from the CHET platform. I have used the method in an interdisciplinary project team, where both robotic students and business-related students had to evaluate all the ideas conducted in an earlier brainstorm session. The methods were especially easy to understand for the business-related students, but more difficult for the robotic students. They came in with a different perception of how an idea could be new, appealing, and feasible, which made the discussion slightly biased.

The implementation of the methods is easy, but requires a lot of time, if the group have to go through all ideas from the divergent phase.

Student’s perspective and anecdotes

The students liked the method because they could evaluate the ideas based on the words, and not just a random number score. This type of idea evaluation methods gives a lot of room for good discussions among the group, which they had the perception of really benefited the final idea.

Tips and tricks

Make sure to allocate extra time in general, due to not knowing which ideas requires more discussion than others.
Focus on, that the group(s) have an openminded entry to the discussion.
If time allows it, add the word “Innovative” to base the evaluation on too. This is especially beneficial for engineering students, since they also get to discuss their understanding of the idea’s innovativeness.