General overview of how to implement it

Making a portrait can be digital (computer) or by pen and paper. The teacher can make different portraits as a self-assessment after having done an activity in class. 

The teacher uses the following competences and values to create a professional identity.

Expertise: the teacher has the knowledge and the experience in leading an activity in class.

Research: the teacher uses his/her research skills to create a better world for everybody, allowing students to discover, explore and experience new ideas and create a new path into their future.

Reflection: the teacher reflects about every action in class and is more focused on his/her qualities instead of weaknesses. He or she is creating the conditions for optimal learning and has a good relationship with the students.

Literacy and communication: the teacher communicates in mother tongue and foreign languages and shows his/her digital literacy. 

Entrepreneurship: the teacher is an educational entrepreneur and seeks ways to improve the learner’s learning paths, competences and skills. 

Co-creation and working together: the teacher uses cooperative learning to boost knowledge, close the achievement gap, improve students’ relations and create a more kind and caring school community.

Global citizenship: the teacher supports global thinking with ethical thinking, sustainability, ecology to create a world fair and just for today and tomorrow.

Innovation and creativity: the teacher makes students ready for tomorrow’s 21st century key competences and is creative and innovative.

The teacher uses the 8 criteria to tell a story and at the same time creates a narrative portrait of who he/she is and how he/she acts in the classroom. Each time the teacher makes such a portrait, this is a data point of the assessment. Furthermore, this information is rich and meaningful. 

Each portrait the teacher makes, shows new experiences.

Each portrait is unique, because the teacher gradually changes and tells new stories. 

Each portrait provides more information.

Each portrait gives more pixels for the ultimate portrait of the teacher’s professional profile. 

These changes are only possible by teachers with a growth mind-set. An appreciative approach and careful judgement will help teachers to grow in beliefs and practice (van der Vleuten, 2014).

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