What is this technique about

The traditional way to take notes is to follow the chronological sequence of the author’s thinking, whether for a lecture or when reading a book and to summarize most often using sentences and phrases rather than just keywords. Mind mapping is an alternative approach that works with the two halves of the brain by using their visualization and associating powers and thus enhancing both memory and creative thinking.

A mind map represents ideas and concepts in a graphic format. This visual thinking tool helps you to better analyze, understand, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas and helps to structure the information. Simplicity lies in its strength, as in every great idea. In mind maps, information is structured in a way much closer to how your brain actually works in contrast to traditional note making or a linear text. It involves your brain in all its cognitive functions in a much richer and more analytical and artistic manner. Mind maps serve another purpose: they help with organization and memory.  Mind maps are word collections structured by the author’s mental context, which are informal and necessary for the efficient operation of the mind map using colour, icons and visual links. And it’s fun, best of all!

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