
  • How many uses do you have for a fork?
  • How many applications can you think of for a saucepan?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a piece of wood?
  • How many different ways can you put a shoe?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a matchbox?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a key?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a ladder?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a tennis ball?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a paperclip?
  • How many different things can you do with a spoon?
  • How many applications can you think of for a vehicle tyre?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a computer mouse?
  • How many different applications can you think of for a button?
  • How many different applications can you think of for an elastic band?
  • How many different use can you think of for a paper towel?

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