CLIVE Creativity Techniques
Find out how by integrating these techniques, interest from students can be sparked and their motivation for further learning can be increased.
Choose the right Creativity Technique
We have a collection of 35 Creativity Techniques that can improve the attainment of young people and support schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL).
Welcome to Clive
About Us
CLIVE introduces a systematic approach to, and opportunities for, the continuous development of VET teachers through the development of a new approach to embed creativity techniques and their related digital tools into their teaching activities. It thus introduces a set of skills which allow them to deliver high quality teaching in their subjects, and to address the need for educational approaches is which are more adapted to the challenges and demands of today.
Creativity Techniques
Our Objectives

Objective 1:
Provide VET teachers, with the skills and competences to embed innovation and creativity in their teaching activities, and thus enable them to prepare their students better for the labour market.

Objective 2:
Define the skills and competence framework needed for embedding creativity and innovation in VET education;

Objective 3:
Enhance the take up of creativity techniques and the related digital tools by giving the VET teachers, their institutions and relevant stakeholders guidelines on mainstream this in a coherent and comprehensive manner;

Objective 4:
Promote community where teachers and other interested can share knowledge and experiences, and which sustains the CLIVE results beyond the project duration

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