For which purposes it is used
Mind mapping, in essence, avoids dull, linear thinking by stimulating creativity and making note taking entertaining again. Mind maps can be used for a variety of purposes like: a) Taking notes, b) Solving problems, c) Researching and combining information from various sources, d) Gaining understanding of complex subjects through information presentation, e) Brainstorming, f) Preparation and g) Boosting your imagination and creativity.
The advantage of mind mapping as a method is that it allows the user to capture the entire strength of the brain both at the right and the more analytical, logical and left, which is used for spatial awareness; the sense of wholeness (Shaped), imagination, daydreaming and colour. Mind maps rely on the brain’s ability to store an infinite number of associations, which, combined with their visual qualities (space, image, color, and so on), helps them stimulate memory to store more facts. They take up less space physically and less time to produce as opposed to chronologically based notes.
This method is a great tool to be used by students when preparing for exams or studying a topic. The best approach is for the teacher to use it on the classroom so the VET students to understand its applicability and how to do it on their own.